Parents expressed concern for depression at such a young age. A family friend whose child was benefitting from neurofeedback recommended Andy try this treatment.

Results of a quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG), also know as a brain map, indicated several areas of brain wave imbalance that contributed to his emotional difficulties, behavioral issues, as well as his ADHD issues.

Andy’s behaviors began improving almost immediately after he began treatment. He seemed enthusiastic about his treatment progress and happily reported improvement socially with his friends, as well as at home. Parents reported that he was more loving than before and was becoming less explosive.

He continues to make consistent progress. Andy’s progress reflects a return to a more normal brain wave balance, which is the goal of neurofeedback therapy. Treatment involves rewarding the positive brainwaves by a system of rewards, visually and auditorily. Once the brain begins changing the dysregulated brain waves, the behaviors become more positive.

While more training remains to be done, Andy and his parents have already begun enjoying their happier relationships, without medication. At school, he is enjoying his friends more and becoming more social.

Because neurofeedback is a type of biofeedback training where brain wave information is fed back to the brain with rewards, lasting emotional and behavioral improvements are experienced.

More about Neurofeedback

Blog Post: Neurofeedback Rescues from Severe Concussion

Lana, not her real name, a young adult from Buckingham, suffered severe panic attacks since 9 th grade that increasingly disrupted her lifestyle. Her social and personal life were severely limited, and she struggled with maintaining any equilibrium. Multiple hospitalizations and medical interventions were unable to stabilize her constant emotional state of recurring anxiety, panic attacks, and depression.

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